Research Activities
Books Book Chapters Refereed Journal Publications Refereed Conference Proceedings Technical Reports
Invited Lectures, Presentations & Seminars Conference Presentations


"An Introduction to Probability and Statistics," K. Gürsoy, M. Baykal-Gürsoy, and A. Gürsoy, KendallHunt, 2015

Book Chapters

M. Baykal-Gürsoy (2011), "Semi-Markov Decision Processes," In Wiley Encyclopedia of Operations Research and Management Science (eds J.J. Cochran, L.A. Cox, P. Keskinocak, J.P. Kharoufeh and J.C. Smith).

K. Gürsoy and M. Baykal-Gürsoy (2011), "Forecasting: State-Space Models and Kalman Filter Estimation," In Wiley Encyclopedia of Operations Research and Management Science (eds J.J. Cochran, L.A. Cox, P. Keskinocak, J.P. Kharoufeh and J.C. Smith).

M. Baykal-Gürsoy and N. Erkip (2011), "Forecasting for Inventory Planning under Correlated Demand," In Wiley Encyclopedia of Operations Research and Management Science (eds J.J. Cochran, L.A. Cox, P. Keskinocak, J.P. Kharoufeh and J.C. Smith).

Refereed Journal Publications

M. Baykal-Gürsoy, M. Figueroa Cardia* and Z. Duan*, (2023), "Completion Time of Jobs on Two-State Service Processes and their Asymptotic Behavior," under review.

A.R. Benton* and M. Baykal-Gürsoy, (2020), "Optimal Idle Timeout Policies," under review.

A. Yolmeh* and M. Baykal-Gürsoy, (2023), "A Decomposable Resource Allocation Model with Generalized Overarching Protections," Annals of Operations Research, Vol 320 (1), pp. 493 - 507.

Z. Xu* and M. Baykal-Gürsoy, (2022), "Power Allocation for Cooperative Jamming Against a Strategic Eavesdropper over Parallel Channels," IEEE Trans. On Information Forensics and Security, Vol. 18, pp. 846-858.

A. Altay* and M. Baykal-Gürsoy, (2022), "Imperfect Rail Track Inspection Scheduling with Zero-Inflated Miss Rates," Transportation Research Part C. Vol. 138, May 2022, 103608.

P.C.L. Gerum* and M. Baykal-Gürsoy, (2022), "How Incidents Impact Congestion on Roadways: A Queuing Network Approach,"European Journal of Transportation and LogisticsVolume 11, 2022, 100067.

M. Baykal-Gürsoy, A. R. Benton*, P. Gerum*, and M. Figueroa Cardia*, (2022), "How Random Incidents affect the Travel-Time Distributions," IEEE Transactions on Intelligent TransportationVol. 23:8, pp. 13000-13010.

A. Altay*, M. Baykal-Gürsoy and P. Hemmer, (2022), "Behavior Associations for Lone Actor Terrorists," Terrorism and Political Violence. 34 (7), 1386-1414.

T. Li*, M. Baykal-Gürsoy and W. Fang, (2021), "Two-Stage Inventory Management with Financing under Demand Updates," International Journal of Production Economics Vol. 232, pp. 107915

G. Xing, Z. Duan*, W. Yan, and M. Baykal-Gürsoy, (2021), "Evaluation of “innovation chain+ supply chain” fusion driven by blockchain technology under typical scenario," International Journal of Production Economics. Vol. 232, February 2021, 107915.

A. Yolmeh* and M. Baykal-Gürsoy, (2021), "Weighted Network Search Games with Multiple Hidden Objects and Multiple Search Teams," European Journal of Operational Research. Vol. 289 (1), 338-349, 2021. Corrigendum "

J. Rubio-Herrero* and M. Baykal-Gürsoy, (2020), "Mean-Variance Analysis of the Newsvendor Problem with Price-Dependent, Multiplicative, Isoelastic Demand," European Journal of Operational Research. Vol. 283:3, pp. 942 - 953.

P.C.L. Gerum*, A.R. Benton* and M. Baykal-Gürsoy, (2019), "Traffic Density on Corridors Affected by Incidents: Models for Long-Term Congestion Management," European Journal of Transportation and Logistics, Vol. 8:5, pp. 795 - 831.

P.C.L. Gerum*, A. Altay* and M. Baykal-Gürsoy, (2019), "Data-driven Predictive Maintenance Scheduling Policies for Railways," Transportation Research Part C, Vol. 107, pp. 137 - 154.

A. Yolmeh* and M. Baykal-Gürsoy, (2019), "Patrolling Games on a General Graph with Time-Dependent Node Values," Military Operations Research, Vol 24:2, pp. 17 - 29.

A. Yolmeh* and M. Baykal-Gürsoy, (2019), "A Two-Stage Invest-Defend Protection Game: Balancing Strategic and Operational Decisions," INFORMS Decision Analysis, Vol. 16:1, pp. 46-66.

A. Yolmeh* and M. Baykal-Gürsoy, (2018), "Urban Rail Patrolling: A Game Theoretic Approach," Journal of Transportation Security, Vol. 11:1-2, pp. 23-40, 2018.

J. Rubio-Herrero* and M. Baykal-Gürsoy, (2018), "On the Unimodality of the Price-setting Newsvendor Problem with Additive Demand Under Risk Considerations," European Journal of Operational Research, 265:3, pp. 962-974.

A. Yolmeh* and M. Baykal-Gürsoy, (2017), "A Robust Approach to Infrastructure Security Games," Computers and Industrial Engineering, Vol. 110, pp. 515-526.

A. Garnaev, M. Baykal-Gürsoy, and H. V. Poor, (2016), "A Game Theoretic Analysis of Secret and Reliable Communication with Active and Passive Adversarial Modes," IEEE Trans. on Wireless Communication, Vol. 15:3, pp. 2155-2163.

A. Garnaev, M. Baykal-Gürsoy, and H. V. Poor, (2016), "Security Games with Unknown Adversarial Strategies," IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, Vol. 46:10, pp. 2291-2299

A. Garnaev, M. Baykal-Gürsoy, and H. V. Poor, (2015), "How to Deal with an Intellectual Adversary," Computers and Industrial Engineering, Vol. 90, pp. 352-360.

J. Rubio-Herrero*, M. Baykal-Gürsoy, and A. Jaskiewicz, (2015), "Price-Setting Newsvendor under Mean-Variance Criterion," European Journal of Operational Research, Vol. 247:2, pp. 575-587.

A. Garnaev, M. Baykal-Gürsoy, and H. V. Poor, (2014), "Incorporating Attack-Type Uncertainty into Network Protection," IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics & Security. Vol. 9:8, pp. 1278-1287.

M. Baykal-Gürsoy, Z. Duan*, H. V. Poor, and A. Garnaev (2014), "Infrastructure Security Games", European Journal of Operational Research. Vol. 239:2, pp. 469-478.

M. Baykal-Gürsoy and Z. Duan*, (2014), "A Note on Stochastic Decomposition Results for Markov Modulated and Retrial Queues," Special Issue on Retrial Queues, Asian Pacific Journal of Operations Research, Vol. 31, No.2.

B. Kocuk*, O.E. Sivrikaya* and M. Baykal-Gürsoy, (2013), "Maintenance of Infinite-Server Service Systems subjected to Random Shocks," Computers and Industrial Engineering, Vol. 66, pp. 86-94.

K. M. A. Ozbay, C. Iyigun*,  M. Baykal-Gürsoy, and W. Xiao*, (2013), “Probabilistic Programming Models for Traffic Incident Management Operations Planning,” Annals of Operations Research, Vol. 203:1, pp. 1-18.

K. M. A. Ozbay, W. Xiao*, G. Jaiswal*, B. Bartin*, P. Kachroo and M. Baykal-Gürsoy, (2009), "Evaluation of Incident Management Strategies and Technologies using an Integrated Traffic/Incident Management Simulation," World Review of Intermodal Transportation Research, Volume 2, Numbers 2-3, pp. 155-186(32), 18 February 2009.

M. Baykal-Gürsoy, W. Xiao* and K. M. A. Ozbay, (2009), "Modeling Traffic Flow Interrupted by Incidents," European Journal of Operational Research, 195, pp. 127-138.

M. Baykal-Gürsoy and K. Gürsoy, (2007), "Semi-Markov Decision Processes: Nonstandard Criteria," Probability in the Engineering and Informational Sciences, Vol. 21:4, pp. 635-657.

M. Z. Avsar and M. Baykal-Gürsoy, (2006), "A Note on Two-Person Zero-Sum Communicating Stochastic Games," OR Letters, Vol. 34, 412-420.

T. Nugent*, M. Baykal-Gürsoy, and K. Gürsoy, (2005), "Monitoring k-Step-Ahead Controlled Processes," Quality and Reliability Engineering International, Vol. 21, 63-80.

M. Baykal-Gürsoy and W. Xiao*, (2004), "Stochastic Decomposition in M/M/Infinity Queues with Markov-Modulated Service Rates," Queueing Systems, Vol. 48, 75-88.

M. Z. Avsar* and M. Baykal-Gürsoy, (2002), "Inventory Control under Substitutable Demand: A Stochastic Game Application," Naval Research Logistics, Vol. 49, 359 - 375.

M. Z. Avsar* and M. Baykal-Gürsoy, (1999), "A Decomposition Approach for Undiscounted Two-Person Zero-Sum Stochastic Games," Mathematical Methods in Operations Research-ZOR, Vol. 49, 483-500.(papers\corrigendum.pdf)

T. Altiok, V-Duy, and M. Baykal-Gürsoy, (1998), "Two Load-Sharing Processes with Failures," Computers and Operations Research, vol. 25, no. 3, 183-189.

B. Gaujal, M. Jafari, M. Baykal-Gürsoy, and G. Alpan*, (1995), "Allocation Sequences of Two-Processes Sharing a Resource," IEEE Transactions on Robotics and Automation, vol. 11, 748-753.

M. Baykal-Gürsoy, T. Altiok, and H. Danhong, (1994), "Look-Back Policies for Two-Stage, Pull-Type Production/Inventory Systems," Annals of Operations Research, Special Issue on Queueing Networks, vol. 48, 381-400.

M. Baykal-Gürsoy, T. Altiok, and H. Danhong*, (1994), "Control Policies for Two-Stage Production/Inventory Systems with Constrained Average Cost Criterion," International Journal of Production Research, vol. 32, 2005-2014.

M. Baykal-Gürsoy and K. W. Ross, (1992), "Variability-Sensitive Markov Decision Processes," Mathematics of Operations Research, vol. 17, 558-571.

M. Baykal-Gürsoy, H. Danhong*, and T. Altiok, (1992), “Optimal Policies for Two-Stage, Pull-Type, Production/Inventory Systems,” Proceedings IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Tucson , 1682-1683.

J. Hui, M. Baykal-Gürsoy, N. Moayeri and R. Yates, (1991), “A Layer Broadband Switching Architecture with Physical and Virtual Paths,” IEEE Selected Areas in Communications, Vol. 9, 1416-1426.

M. Baykal-Gürsoy, (1991), “Two-Person Zero-Sum Stochastic Games,” Annals of Operations Research, Vol. 28, 135-152.

P. E. Caines and M. Baykal-Gürsoy, (1989), “On the L∞ Consistency of L2 Estimators,” Systems & Control Letters, Vol. 12, 71-76.



Refereed Conference Proceedings

Z. Xu* and M. Baykal-Gürsoy (2022), "Cost-Efficient Network Protection Games Against Uncertain Types of Cyber-Attackers," 2022 IEEE International Symposium on Technologies for Homeland Security (HST), November 14-15. 

Z. Xu* and M. Baykal-Gürsoy (2021), "Efficient Network Protection Games Against Multiple Types Of Strategic Attackers," 2021 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), June 6-11. 

Z. Xu*, M. Baykal-Gürsoy and P. Spasojevic, (2021), "A Game-Theoretic Approach for Probabilistic Cooperative Jamming Strategies Over Parallel Wireless Channels," 2021 IEEE Conference on Communications and Network Security (CNS), October 4-5.  

Z. Xu* and M. Baykal-Gürsoy (2021), "A Friendly Interference Game in Wireless Secret Communication Networks," NetGCoop 2020, September 21-24. 

Z. Xu* and M. Baykal-Gürsoy (2020), "A Cooperative Jamming Game in Wireless Networks under Uncertainty," 16th EAI International Conference on Security and Privacy in Communication Networks (SecureComm 2020), Washington D.C., October, Published as Chapter 14 in the Volume 335 of the Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering. 

S. Sugrim*, M. Baykal-Gürsoy, and P. Spasojevic (2014), "Background Spectrum Classification for Cognitive Radio," MILCOM 2014-Track 2, Waveforms and Signal Processing, Baltimore. 

M. Baykal-Gürsoy, Z. Duan*, and H. Xu*, (2009), "Stochastic Models of Traffic Flow Interrupted by Incidents," IFAC Symposium on Transportation Systems.

M. Baykal-Gürsoy and Z. Duan*, (2006), “M/M/C Queues with Markov Modulated Service Processes,” in proceedings of the First International Conference on Performance Evaluation Methodologies and Tools-Valuetools, Pisa, IT.

M. Baykal-Gürsoy and M. Z. Avsar, (1999), “Two-Person Zero-Sum Undiscounted Stochastic Games,” Proceeding IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Phoenix , Arizona .

M. Baykal-Gürsoy and K. W. Ross,(1989), “Variance Penalized Markov Decision Processes,Proceedings IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Tampa , 1261-1262.

M. Baykal-Gürsoy, (1989), “A Sample-Path Approach to Stochastic Games,” Proceedings IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Tampa, 180-185.


Technical Reports

S. Ghorbani*, M. Baykal-Gürsoy, and N. McKinnon, “Two-Stage Competitive Production Planning under Yield and Demand Uncertainty,” ISE Working Paper 11-006, 2011.

C. Cheung*, Z. Duan* and M. Baykal-Gürsoy, “Simulation Model of Pedestrian Flow in NY Penn Station,” ISE Working Paper 11-007, 2011.

    M. Baykal-Gürsoy and Z. Duan*, “Stochastic Decomposition in Markov Modulated Arrival and Service, and Retrial Queues”, ISE Working Paper 07-022, 2007.

    M. Baykal-Gürsoy and K. Gürsoy. “Semi-Markov Decision Processes: Nonstandard Criteria”, ISE Working Paper 07-013, 2006.

    M. Baykal-Gürsoy and Z. Duan*, "M/M/C Queues with Markov Modulated Service Processes",
ISE Working Paper 06-021, 2006.

    M. Baykal-Gürsoy, Z. Duan and K. Ozbay, "Delay Estimation for Traffic Flow Interrupted by Incidents", ISE Working Paper 06-022, 2006.

    Z.M. Avsar and M. Baykal-Gürsoy, "A Note on Two-Person Zero-Sum Communicating Stochastic Games", ISE Working Paper 05-016, 2005.

    M. Baykal-Gürsoy, W. Xiao*, K. Ozbay, “Modeling Traffic Flow Interrupted by Incidents,” ISE Working Paper 04-005, 2004, revised in 2005 and 2006.

    K. Ozbay, W. Xiao*, C. Iyigün* and M. Baykal-Gürsoy, “Probabilistic Programming Models for Response Vehicle Dispatching and Resource Allocation    in Traffic Incident Management,” ISE Working Paper 04-014, 2004, revised in 2005 and 2006.

    M. Baykal-Gürsoy and W. Xiao*, “Stochastic Decomposition in M/M/  Queues under Batch Service Interruptions,” ISE Working Paper 03-119, 2003.      

    M. Z. Avsar* and M. Baykal-Gürsoy, “Inventory Control under Substitutable Demand: A Stochastic Game Application,” IE Working Paper 01-102, 2001.

  T. Nugent*, M. Baykal-Gürsoy and K. Gürsoy, “Residuals for K-Step Ahead Controlled Processes and Related Monitoring Problems,” IE Working Paper 01-103, 2001.

  J. Liu, M. Baykal-Gürsoy and A. Buzcak, “Target Path Model Identification and Forecasting by Time Series Analysis”, IE Working Paper 01-105, 2001.

  T. Altiok, C. Vu Duy, M. Baykal-Gürsoy, “Load Sharing Processors with Failures,” IE Working Paper 94-105, 1994.

  M. Baykal-Gürsoy, “Semi-Markov Decision Processes: Nonstandard Criteria,” IE Working Paper 93-125, 1993.

  S. Ruan, M. Baykal-Gürsoy and M. Jafari, “Control of Material Handling System Serving a Number of Workcells,” IE Working Paper 93-124, 1993.

  M. Baykal-Gürsoy, T. Altiok and H. Danhong*, “Control Policies for Two-Stage Pull-Type Production/Inventory Systems with Constrained Average Cost Criterion,” Working Paper 92-122, 1992.

M. Baykal-Gürsoy, M. Jafari and E. Elsayed, “Desirable Characteristics and Selection Attributes for Data Acquisition, Monitoring and Control Software and Hardware,” IE Working Paper 92-121, 1992.

  M. Baykal-Gürsoy, T. Altiok and H. Danhong*, “Look-Back Policies for Two-Stage, Pull-Type Production/Inventory Systems,” IE Working Paper 92-118, 1992.

  M. Jafari and M. Baykal-Gürsoy, “Computation of Transition Firing Frequency in Timed Petri Nets: Preliminary Results,” IE Working Paper 90-103, 1990.

   M. Baykal-Gürsoy, “A Sample-Path Approach to Stochastic Games,” IE Working Paper 89-122, 1989.

 J. V. Bukowski, J. H. Goodman and M. Baykal-Gürsoy, “An Investigation of Issues Impacting Software Reliability,” University of Pennsylvania, Department of Systems Engineering, 122 page final report prepared for IBM, 1985.



Invited Lectures, Presentations & Seminars

“Unimodality of Mean-Variance Newsvendor Problem,” POMS Conference, Orlando, FL, May21-25, 2023.

“A Cooperative Jamming Game in Wireless Secret Communication Networks Against Active Eavesdroppers,” INFORMS Annual Meeting, virtual, November 2020.

“Patrolling Security Games Against Mobile Intelligent Adversaries,” INFORMS Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA, October 2019.

“Public Security and Safety and Reliability of Infrastructure Systems,” panelist at the Statistical and Applied Mathematical Sciences Institute (SAMSI) Opening Workshop for Games and Decisions in Reliability and Risk, NC State University, Raleigh, NC, August 5 - 9, 2019.

“Two-Stage Invest-Defend Games,” (with A. Yolmeh*) invited talk at GDRR2019: Sixth Symposium on Games and Decisions in Reliability and Risk, George Washington University, Washington D.C., May 29 - 31, 2019.

“Two-Stage Invest-Defend Game:Balancing Strategic and Operational Decisions,” (with A. Yolmeh*) invited talk in the ISE Dept. at the University of Wisconsin, Oct. 26, 2018.

"Robust Search/Protection Games," (with A. Yolmeh*) presented at the Lorentz Centre Workshop on Search Games: Theory and Algorithms, Leiden, Netherlands, June 27 - July 1, 2016.

"Game Theory and Its Applications to Security," tutorial presented at the ISERC-IIE Annual Conference and Expo 2016, Anaheim, CA, May 21-24, 2016.

"Incomplete Information Protection Games," presented at the Games and Decisions in Reliability and Risk Workshop-SAMSI, Durham, NC, May 16-20, 2016.

“Network Protection Games,” (with A. Garnaev and H. V. Poor) presented at the 27th European Conference on Operational Research, Glasgow, England, July 12-15, 2015.

“Game Theoretic Analysis of Reliable Communication,” (with A. Garnaev and H. V. Poor), invited talk at the 4th Symposium on Games and Decisions in Reliability and Risk, Istanbul, Turkey, June 17-19, 2015.

“On the Optimality of the Newsvendor Problem with Isoelastic Demand and Mean-Variance Considerations,” (with J. Rubio-Herrero) invited talk at the ISERC-IIE Annual Conference and Expo in Nashville, Tennessee, May 31-June 3, 2015.

“A Mean-Variance Analysis of The Price-Setting Newsvendor Problem,” (with J. Rubio-Herrero and A. Jaskiewicz) presented at the INFORMS Annual Meeting in San Francisco, CA, November 9-12, 2014.

“Queues in Random Environment and Their Applications,” invited talk at IBM Yorktown Heights, NY, Oct. 16, 2014.

“Price-Setting Newsvendor Problem,” (with J. Rubio-Herrero and A. Jaskiewicz) invited talk at the ISERC-IIE Annual Conference and Expo in Montreal, Canada, May 31-June 3, 2014.

“Infrastucture Network Protection,” (with Z. Duan*, A. Garnaev and H. V. Poor), presented at George Washington University, Washington D.C., February 28, 2014.

“Modeling Traffic Flow Interrupted by Incidents,” presented at Beihang University, Beijing, China, August 20, 2013.

“Queues in Random Environment,” presented at Beihang University, Beijing, China, August 20, 2013.

“Incident Managament and Maintenance of Service Systems,” presented at Beihang University, Beijing, China, August 21, 2013.

“Securing Infrastructures via Stochastic Games,” (with Z. Duan*), invited talk at Syracuse University, Nov. 11, 2011.

“Emergency Shelter Location and Allocation during Extreme Heat Events,” (with S. Ghorbani) presented at the INFORMS Conference in Austin, Texas, November 2010.

“Health Care Needs Planning for Extreme Heat Events,” (with S. Ghorbani and P. Kazemian) presented at the INFORMS Conference in Austin, Texas, November 2010.

“Stochastic Models of Traffic Flow Interrupted by Incidents,” presented at the IFAC (International Federation of Automatic Control) Symposium on Transportation Systems,Sept. 2009.

“Modeling Nonrecurrent Congestion,” presented at the INFORMS Conference in Washington D.C., October 2008.

“Multiserver queues in random environment”, presented at the INFORMS Conference in Washington D.C., October 2008.

“Traffic Flow Models and Incident Management,” presented at the INFORMS Conference in Pittsburgh, November 2006.

“M/M/C Queues with Markov Modulated Service Processes,” (with Z. Duan*) presented at Valuetools-First International Conference on Performance Evaluation Methodologies and Tools, Pisa, October, 2006.

“Queues with Markov Modulated Service,” presented in the Dept of Applied Mathematics and Statistics at SUNY-Stony Brook, March 2006.

“Queues with Markov-Modulated Service Rates,” presented at the INFORMS Conference in San Francisco, November 2005.

“Probabilistic Programming Models for Dispatching and Resource Allocation in TIM,” (with W. Xiao*, C. Iyigün* and K. Ozbay) presented at the INFORMS Conference in San Francisco, November 2005.

“Queues with Markov-Modulated Service Rates,” presented in the IE Dept. at Lehigh University, Sept. 2004.

“Stochastic Decomposition in M/M/Infinity Queues with Markov-Modulated Service Rates,” (with W. Xiao*) presented at RUTCOR, April 2004.

“Inventory Control under Substitutable Demand”, (with M. Avsar*), presented at the Industrial Engineering Research Conference (IERC), May 10, 2004.

“Integrating PID Controllers into SPC Applications,” (with T. Nugent*) presented at the INFORMS Conference in Philadelphia, November 1999.

“Undiscounted Two-Person Zero-Sum Stochastic Games,” (with Z. M. Avsar*) presented at the INFORMS Conference in Philadelphia, November 1999.

“Two-Person Zero-Sum Stochastic Games,” presented in the Industrial Engineering Department at Bogazici University, Turkey, July 1998.

“Look-Back Policies for Production/Inventory Systems,” (with Tayfur Altiok) presented at INFORMS Israel, June-July, 1998.

“Semi-Markov Decision Processes: Nonstandard Criteria,” presented at the IEEE Regional NY/NJ Control Conference, August 1994.

“Load Sharing Processors with Failures,” (with T. Altiok, C. Vu Duy) presented at the IEEE Regional NY/NJ Control Conference, August 1994.

“Control of Manufacturing Processes,” Advanced Queueing Seminar, at RUTCOR, May, 1994.

“Control of a Batch Server Serving a Number of Closed Queues,” (with S. Ruan and M. Jafari) presented at the IIE 3rd Research Conference, Atlanta, May 1994.

“The Correspondence between the Stochastic Game and the Deterministic Generalized Game,” presented at the ORSA-TIMS Joint National Meeting, Phoenix, October 1993.

“Applications of Markov Decision Processes to Production Systems,” presented at the ORSA-TIMS Joint National Meeting, Phoenix, October 1993.

  “Semi-Markov Decision Processes: Nonstandard Criteria,” presented at the ORSA-TIMS Joint National Meeting, Phoenix, October 1993.

“Markov Decision Processes,” Rutgers University, WINLAB Seminar Series, 1990.

“A Sample-Path Approach to Time-Average Markov Decision Processes,” presented at Bell Communications Research Seminar Series, Morristown, New Jersey, December 1989.



Conference Presentations

“Patrolling Games on General Graphs with Time-Dependent Node Values,” (with. A. Yolmeh) presented at the GDRR 2019: Sixth Symposium on Games and Decisions in Reliability and Risk, Washington D.C., May 29-31, 2019.

“Data-Driven Predictive Maintenance for Railways,” (with P. C. Lopes Gerum and A. Altay) presented at GDRR 2019: Sixth Symposium on Games and Decisions in Reliability and Risk, Washington D.C., May 29-31, 2019.

“Balancing Performance and Security in Interference Assisted Wireless Communication,” (with Z. Xu) presented at the IISE Annual Conference, Orlando, FL, May 18-21, 2019.

“Association Rules for Lone-Actor Terrorists,” (with A. Altay) presented at the IISE Annual Conference, Orlando, FL, May 18-21, 2019.

“Weighted Hide and Seek Games with Multiple Search Teams,” (with A. Yolmeh) presented at the IISE Annual Conference, Orlando, FL, May 18-21, 2019.

“Inspection-Based Predictive Maintenance for Railways,” (with A. Altay* and P.C.Lopes Gerum*) presented at the INFORMS Annual Meeting, Phoenix, AZ, November 3-7, 2018.

“Describing the Distribution of Traffic Density on Corridors Affected by Non-recurrent Congestion using Minimal Statistical Information,” (with P.C.Lopes Gerum*) presented at the INFORMS Annual Meeting, Phoenix, AZ, November 3-7, 2018.

“Two-stage invest-defend game: Balancing the strategic and operational decisions,” (with A. Yolmeh*) presented at the INFORMS Annual Meeting, Phoenix, AZ, November 3-7, 2018.

“Column Generation Approach for Patrolling Games,” (with A. Yolmeh) presented at the INFORMS Annual Meeting, Houston, TX, October 22-25, 2017.

“Inspecting railways for defects: a game theory approach,” (with P.C.Lopes Gerum*) presented at the INFORMS Annual Meeting, Houston, TX, October 22-25, 2017.

“Traffic Density Analytical Model Validation And Applications,” (with P.C.Lopes Gerum* and M. R. Figueroa-Candia*) presented at the INFORMS Annual Meeting, Nashville, TN, November 13-16, 2016.

“Route Optimization: A Risk Averse Shortest Path Problem,” (with M. R. Figueroa) presented at the INFORMS Annual Meeting, Nashville, TN, November 13-16, 2016.

“Unimodality in price-dependent newsvendor problems with mean-variance trade-offs,” (with J. Rubio-Herrero*) presented at the IIE Annual Conference and Expo 2016, Anaheim, CA, May 21-24, 2016.

“Traffic Volume and Travel Time Variability under Random Interruptions,” (with M. Figueroa) presented at the INFORMS Annual Meeting in Philadelphia, PA, November 1-4, 2015.

“Analysis of the Unimodality of the Newsvendor Problem with Mean-Variance Tradeoff,” (with J. Rubio-Herrero*) presented at the INFORMS Annual Meeting in Philadelphia, PA, November 1-4, 2015.

“The Newsvendor Problem with Price-Dependent, Isoelastic Demand: Optimality and Risk Considerations,” (with J. Rubio-Herrero*) presented at the 22nd International Symposium on Mathematical Programming, Pittsburgh, PA, July 12-17 2015.

“inSecurity Gaming Environment to Validate Stochastic Counter Terrorism Models,” (with R. Anderson and S. Sugrim*) presented at the Federal Consortium for Virtual Worlds 2015.

“Infrastructure Security via game theory,” (with Z. Duan*) presented at the INFORMS Conference in Austin, Texas, November 2010.

“Two-Stage Competitive Production Planning under Yield and Demand Uncertainty,” (with S. Ghorbani*) presented at the YAEM 2010 (30th Operations Research and Industrial Engineering National Meeting), Sabanci University, Istanbul, Turkey, June 30-July 2, 2010.

“Completion Time Analysis of M/G/∞ Queues with Two-Service Speeds,” (with Z. Duan) presented at the Third Madrid Conference on Queueing Theory, Toledo, Spain, June 28-July 1, 2010.

“Securing Infrastructures via Stochastic Games,” (with Z. Duan) presented at The 14th International Symposium on Dynamic Games and Applications, Banff, Canada, June 19-24, 2010.

“Algorithm for Emergency Shelter Location and Population Allocation during Extreme Heat Events,” (with S. Ghorbani and P. Kazemian) presented at the DIMACS/CCICADA Workshop on Modeling and Mitigation of the Impacts of Extreme Weather Events to Human Health Risks, Piscataway, New Jersey, June 2010.

“Emergency Shelter Location and Allocation in Extreme Weather Events- Heat Wave,” (with S. Ghorbani and P. Kazemian) poster presentation at the 2010 Health and Humanitarian Logistics Workshop at Georgia Tech, Atlanta, Georgia, March 2010.

“Evacuation Planning for Disaster Management”, presented at the Climate and Mathematics Paper Session at the Spring 2009 Joint Mathematical Association of America-NJ GSUMC Meeting, March 29, Monmouth University, NJ.

“Modeling Interrupted Traffic Flow,” presented at the MEETING OF THE EURO WORKING GROUP ON STOCHASTIC MODELING 2008, June 23-25, Istanbul, Turkey.

“Queues with Markov Modulated Service Rates,” presented at the INFORMS Applied Probability Conference, Ottawa, July 2005.

“Integrating PID Controllers into SPC Applications,” (with T. Nugent* and K. Gürsoy) presented at the INFORMS Conference, Istanbul, July 2003.

“M/M/C Queues under Batch Service Interruptions,” (with W. Xiao *, and K. Ozbay) presented at the INFORMS Conference in Istanbul, July 2003.

“Undiscounted Two-Person Zero-Sum Communicating Stochastic Games,” (with Z. M. Avsar*) presented at the IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Phoenix , Arizona, December 1999.

“Two-Person Zero-Sum Communicating Stochastic Games,” (with Z. M. Avsar*) presented at the National Conference on Operations Research, Turkey, June, 1998.

“A Decomposition Approach for Undiscounted Two-Person Zero-Sum Stochastic Games,” (with Z. M. Avsar*) presented at the National Conference on Operations Research, Turkey, June, 1998.

“Inventory Control under Substitutable Demand: A Stochastic Game Application,” (with Z. M. Avsar*) presented at the National Conference on Operations Research, Turkey, June, 1998.

“Control Policies for Two-Stage, Pull-Type Production/Inventory Systems with Constrained Average Cost Criterion,” (with H. Danhong*) IIE 2nd Research Conference, Los Angeles, April 1993.

“Look-Back Policies for Two-Stage, Pull-Type Production/Inventory Systems,” (with T. Altiok and H. Danhong*) ORSA-TIMS Joint National Conference, San Francisco, November 1992.

“Performance Analysis Using Minimax Algebra,” (with M. Jafari) ORSA-TIMS Joint National Conference, New York, October 1989.

“A Decomposition Algorithm for Multichain Stochastic Games,” (with K. W. Ross) ORSA-TIMS Joint National Conference, Washington D.C., April 1988.
