Graduate Student Fair

Courses Tought Special Honors Courses Curiculum Development

Courses Tought

Undergraduate Courses:

14:540:311 Deterministic Models in OR
14:540:338 Prob. Models in OR
14:540:333 Statistical Quality Control
14:540:453 Production Control

Graduate Courses:

16:540:505 Eng. Dec. Making under Uncertainty
16:540:510 Deterministic Models in IE
16:540:515 Stochastic Models in IE
16:540:525 Applied Queueing
16:540:530 Forecasting and Time Series Analysis
16:960:540 Statistical Quality Control
14:540:560 Production Analysis
16:540:660 Inventory Control
16:540:682 Process Modeling and Control
16:540:616 Advanced Stochastic Modeling
16:540:694 Advanced Topics in IE



Special Honors Courses

James J. Slade Scholar:
Joel Sokol, “Routing Problems in Broadband Networks,” Fall 1992 and Spring 1993.

Douglass College – Project Super: Introduction to Scientific Research:
 M. Close, S. McCarthy and C. Gamolo, “Economic Optimization through Linear Programming”, 2002.



New Courses and Major Revisions

16:540:505- Engineering Decision Making under Uncertainty: Major Revision. I have co-proposed and taught this introductory level graduate course on stochastic modeling and decision making course in the Department of I&SE since Fall 2015.

16:540:530- Forecasting and Time Series Analysis: Major Revision. Prepared course material and taught from this new course material in the Department of I&SE since 2005.

540:682- Process Modeling and Control: Introduced and taught this advanced level graduate course on time series analysis, forecasting and process control for quality since 1994.

16:540:660- Inventory Control: Introduced and taught this advanced level graduate course on supply chain related issues under uncertainty since 1991.

16:540:564- Supply Chain and Logistic Engineering II: Introduced this intermediate level graduate course on the joint supply chain and logistic issues under uncertainty in 2006.

16:540: 616 Advanced Stochastic Modeling in ISE: Introduced this high level graduate course on continuous state continuous time stochastic modeling and control course in 2007.    

Instructional development

Participated in the NSF supported seminar series to improve the retention of women and minorities in the sciences and engineering, TISE (Teaching Inclusive Science and Engineering). 2001-2002. (received $2,000 grant)
