Professional Activities
Invited Lectures, Presentations & Seminars Conference Presentations
Conference Committee Member & Session Organizer Visiting Professor
Proposal Reviewer/ Panel Member Journal & Conference Referee

Invited Lectures, Presentations & Seminars

  1. "Public Security and Safety and Reliability of Infrastructure Systems", panelist at the Statistical and Applied Mathematical Sciences Institute (SAMSI) Opening Workshop for Games and Decisions in Reliability and Risk, NC State University, Raleigh, NC, August 5 - 9, 2019.

  2. "Two-Stage Invest-Defend Games", (with A. Yolmeh) presented at the GDRR2019: Sixth Symposium on Games and Decisions in Reliability and Risk, George Washington University, Washington D.C., May 29 - 31, 2019.

  3. "Two-Stage Invest-Defend Game:Balancing Strategic and Operational Decisions", (with A. Yolmeh), presented in the ISE Dept. at the University of Wisconsin, Oct. 26, 2018.

  4. "Robust Search/Protection Games", (with A. Yolmeh, A. Garnaev, Z. Duan, and V. Poor), presented at the Lorentz Centre Workshop on Search Games: Theory and Algorithms, Leiden, Netherlands, June 27 - July 1, 2016.

  5. "Game Theory and Its Applications to Security", (with A. Yolmeh, A. Garnaev, Z. Duan, and V. Poor), Tutorial presentation, ISERC-IIE Annual Conference and Expo 2016, Anaheim, CA, May 21-24, 2016.

  6. "Incomplete Information Protection Games", (with A. Yolmeh) presented at the Games and Decisions in Reliability and Risk Workshop-SAMSI, Durham, NC, May 16-20, 2016.

  7. "Game Theoretic Analysis of Secret and Reliable Communication", (with A. Garnaev and H. V. Poor) presented at the INFORMS Annual Meeting in Philadelphia, PA, November 1-4, 2015.

  8. "Network Protection Games", (with A. Garnaev and H. V. Poor) presented at the 27th European Conference on Operational Research, Glasgow, England, July 12-15, 2015.

  9. "Game Theoretic Analysis of Reliable Communication", (with A. Garnaev and H. V. Poor) invited talk at the 4th Symposium on Games and Decisions in Reliability and Risk, Istanbul, Turkey, June 17-19, 2015erence on Operational Research, Glasgow, England, July 12-15, 2015.

  10. "Infrastructure Network Protection", (with Z. Duan*, A. Garnaev and H. V. Poor), invited talk at the Decision Sciences and Statistics Department, George Washington University, Washington D. C., Feb. 28, 2014.

  11. "Network Protection", (with Z. Duan*, H. V. Poor and A. Garnaev), 2nd Rutgers Applied Probability Conference, MSIS Department, Rutgers Business School, Dec. 7-8, 2013.

  12. "Securing Infrastructures via Stochastic Games", (with Z. Duan*), Syracuse University, Nov. 11, 2011.

  13. "Undiscounted Two-Person Zero-Sum Stochastic Games",(with Z. M. Avsar) presented at the INFORMS Conference in Philadelphia, November 1999.

  14. "Two-Person Zero-Sum Stochastic Games",presented at the Industrial Engineering Department at Bogazici University, Turkey , July 1998.



Conference Presentations

  1. "Patrolling Games on General Graphs with Time-Dependent Node Values", (with A. Yolmeh) presented at the GDRR 2019: Sixth Symposium on Games and Decisions in Reliability and Risk, Washington D.C., May 29-31, 2019.

  2. "Balancing Performance and Security in Interference Assisted Wireless Communication", (with Z. Xu) presented at the IISE Annual Conference, Orlando, FL, May 18-21, 2019.

  3. "Association Rules for Lone-Actor Terrorists", (with A. Altay) presented at the IISE Annual Conference, Orlando, FL, May 18-21, 2019.

  4. "Weighted Hide and Seek Games with Multiple Search Teams", (with A. Yolmeh) presented at the IISE Annual Conference, Orlando, FL, May 18-21, 2019.

  5. "Two-stage invest-defend game: Balancing the strategic and operational decisions", (with A. Yolmeh) presented at the INFORMS Annual Meeting, Phoenix, AZ, November 3-7, 2018.

  6. "Column Generation Approach for Patrolling Games", (with A. Yolmeh) presented at the INFORMS Annual Meeting, Houston, TX, October 22-25, 2017.

  7. "inSecurity Gaming Environment to Validate Stochastic Counter Terrorism Models", (with R. Anderson and S. Sugrim) presented at the Federal Consortium for Virtual Worlds 2015.

  8. "Infrastructure Security via game theory", (with Z. Duan) presented at the INFORMS Conference in Austin, Texas, November 2010.

  9. "Undiscounted Two-Person Zero-Sum Communicating Stochastic Games", (with Z. M. Avsar) presented at the IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Phoenix , Arizona , December 1999.

  10. "Two-Person Zero-Sum Communicating Stochastic Games", (with Z. M. Avsar) presented at the National Conference on Operations Research, Turkey , June, 1998.

  11. "A Decomposition Approach for Undiscounted Two-Person Zero-Sum Stochastic Games", (with Z. M. Avsar) presented at the National Conference on Operations Research, Turkey , June, 1998.



Conference Committee Member & Session Organizer

  1. Member of the Technical Program Committee for the Fifth International Conference on Advances in Vehicular Systems, Technologies and Applications (VEHICULAR 2016), Barcelona, Spain, November 13 - 17, 2016.

  2. Member of the Technical Program Committee for the Fourth International Conference on Advances in Vehicular Systems, Technologies and Applications (Vehicular 2015), St. Julians, Malta, October 11-16, 2015.

  3. Member of the Technical Program Committee for the Third International Conference on Advances in Vehicular Systems, Technologies and Applications, VEHICULAR 2014, June 22 - 26, 2014 - Seville, Spain.

  4. Member of the Technical Program Committee for the Third International Conference on Advances in Vehicular Systems, Technologies and Applications, VEHICULAR 2014, June 22 - 26, 2014 - Seville, Spain.

  5. Workshop organizer, DIMACS Workshop on Risk-Averse Algorithmic Decision Making, (with A. Ruszczynski, D. Brown, A. Pekec and D. Subramanian) Rutgers University, May 9 - 11, 2011.

  6. Sponsored Session Organizer and Chair: “Planning for Extreme Weather Events I” INFORMS Conference, Austin, Texas, November 2010.

  7. Sponsored Session Organizer and Chair: “Planning for Extreme Weather Events II” INFORMS Conference, Austin, Texas, November 2010.

  8. Workshop organizer, DIMACS/CCICADA Workshop on Modeling and Mitigation of the Impacts of Extreme Weather Events to Human Health Risks, (with E. Boros and N. Fefferman) Rutgers University, June 3 - 4, 2010.

  9. Technical Program Committee Member for the 3nd Workshop on Network Control and Optimization (NetCOOP), Paris, France, 2009.

  10. Technical Program Committee Member for the 3rd.  International Conf. On Performance Evaluation Methodologies and Tools, Athens , Greece , October 2008.

  11. Technical Program Committee Member for the 2nd International Conf. On Performance Evaluation Methodologies and Tools, Nantes , France , October 2007.

  12. Technical Program Committee Member for the 1st International Conf. On Performance Evaluation Methodologies and Tools, Pisa , Italy , October 2006.

  13. Conference Program Committee Member: “Telecommunications,” IEEE Regional NY/NJ Control Conference, August 1994.

  14. Sponsored Session Organizer and Chair: “Modeling and Control of Recurrent and Nonrecurrent Congestion,” INFORMS Conference, Washington D.C., October 2008.

  15. Sponsored Session Organizer and Chair: “Queues in Random Environment,” INFORMS Conference, Washington D.C. , October 2008.

  16. Session Chair for two sessions: Queueing Systems I and Petri Nets: Theory and Application, at the 1st International Conf. On Performance Evaluation Methodologies and Tools, Pisa , Italy , October 2006.

  17. Session Organizer and Chair: “Stochastic Modeling and Control,” INFORMS, Washington DC , 1995.

  18. Session Chair: “Telecommunications,” IEEE Regional NY/NJ Control Conference, August 1994.

  19. Session Organizer and Chair: “Queueing,” IIE 3rd Research Conference, Atlanta , May 1994.

  20. Session Chair: “Statistical Process Control,” Conference on Computer Integrated Manufacturing in the Process Industries, New Brunswick , April 1994.
  21. Session Organizer and Chair: “Queueing Control Problems,” ORSA-TIMS National Meeting, Phoenix , October 1993.

  22. Session Organizer and Chair: “Broadband ISDN-Congestion Control,” ORSA-TIMS National Meeting, Chicago , November 1992.



Visiting Professor

  1. Visiting Fellow: Department of Electrical Engineering, Princeton, September – December, 2012.

  2. Visiting Professor: Department of Industrial Engineering, Bogazici University, İstanbul, Turkey, June-August, 2000 –05, 2007 – 09, 2011-12.

  3. Visiting Professor: Department of Industrial Engineering, Bogazici University, İstanbul, Turkey, June-August, 2000 –05, 2007 – 09, 2011-12.

  4. Participated in research and taught a course in Queueing Theory at Bogazici University , Istanbul , Turkey , Spring 1998. 

  5. Participated in research and taught a short course on Control Problems in Broadband Networks at Bilkent University, Ankara, Turkey, June 1992.



Proposal Reviewer/ Panel Member

  1. NSF Panel Member, 1997, 1998, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2008, 2016, 2017.

  2. Reviewer for U.S. Civilian Research and Development Foundation, 2005.


Journal & Conference Referee

  • Institute of Computer Sciences
  • Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering (ICST) Transactions on Network Optimization and Control
  • International Journal of Operations Research amd Information Systems
  • IFAC Automatica
  • IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control
  • SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization
  • IEEE Proceedings Conference on Decision and Control
  • IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Society
  • IEEE Proc. On Control Theory and Applications
  • Information Processing Letter, INS-Information Science
  • Naval Research Logistics, Institute of Industrial Engineering Transactions
  • International Journal of Flexible Automation and Integrated Manufacturing
  • vComputers & Industrial Engineering
  • Annals of Operations Research
  • European Journal of Operational Research
  • Asian-Pacific Journal of Operational Research
  • Operations Research, Operations Research Letters
  • Mathematical Methods in Operations Research
  • Mathematics of Operations Research
  • Management Science
  • Queueing Systems
  • Probability in the Engineering and Informational Sciences
  • The Journal of the Association for Computing Machinery (JACM)
  • Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory
